Crypto Skyland: Building an Interoperable Metaverse

We’re going to take a look at Crypto Skyland. It is an interlinkable web 3 platform that can be used for a variety of different web 3 features and lots of other exciting opportunities.

Crypto Skyland – an Interlinkable Metaverse

Crypto Skyland is a linkable metaverse that connects games, digital content, and communities together with an infinite number of ways in which it can be connected and various other developments. You can see some of the features being shown here in this video walkthrough where there’s characters walking through different games, different scenarios, different features such as NFT galleries, and much more. It can link up different and meta-worlds. For example, World of War, Neptune-based Star Tour Expo, and other things like Neon Streets. All pretty cool, and they’re going to continue to link in others. You’ve also got a linkable meta-world protocol, meta-worlds that are connected to Sky Utopia, the base meta-world of Crypto Skyland through standard protocols.

The White Paper

Jumping over to the white paper, you can find out loads more about this project and why it’s such an exciting project because obviously it can link together all of these web 3 digital entertainment ecosystems. But as well as that, what I like is that it’s an interoperable metaverse that can be expanded infinitely as the web 3 space develops. There are going to be more and more use cases, and we need platforms that are going to be able to continue to develop as the web 3 space develops because otherwise, they’re going to get quickly left behind. Users can travel through different virtual spaces, experience different gameplay, participate in new trendy virtual activities, meet new friends for an entirely new experience that so far hasn’t really existed in the world.

Skylander NFT

The Skylander NFT is a core use credential of Crypto Skyland and is the land credential that can be used to realize activities such as house building, raising virtual pets, meeting new friends, creating a whole different world within your ecosystem within the web 3 environment. There’s always going to be a unique design of each of the different NFTs, and there’ll be royalty sharing and interest available for each of the people holding these NFTs. It’s crucial to have good utility when it comes to NFTs, opportunities to earn, etc., as well as various other things like staking perks. Additional benefits include NFT air-drops and various other different things.

Skytopia and Mysterious Village

Skytopia is a world made up of clouds and lands, and you can own your individual piece of land by buying one of the NFTs, and that comes under different types of Skyland. You can experience all sorts of different weird and wonderful things. In the Mysterious Village, there are various different buildings like crystal mines, collection huts, exploration huts, workshops, magic academies, magic huts, and loads of cool, interesting, and exciting features that you may have never seen in existing games today. As well, real-world ways in which you can start earning crypto and various other rewards through participating in this whole project.


Crypto Skyland is committed to building infrastructure on which to build a diverse, open, and extensible metaverse. With the linked metaverse infrastructure and standardized linkable metaverse protocol, content created by existing powerful content creation tools can quickly and easily plug together Skylander metaverses. If you’re interested in keeping up-to-date with this project, click to sign up for update notifications.

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