Top 10 Most Valid Reasons To Fear By Google

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In every crowd there are protestors. They are the people who hate Microsoft because it is everywhere. On the same page, there are people who hate Wal-Mart because it is a global company that destroys local retailers everywhere. But when most people think of operating systems or bargain shopping, they think of Wal-Mart and Microsoft.

  Enter Google. Once just a search engine, it’s now growing extensions like Jack’s beanstalk on steroids. These extensions are what make Google indispensable for many people who want a one-stop shop. Google is fast becoming the Wal-Mart of the Internet. And because of this, some people start to fear the company.

  Editor’s note: This list was written in June 2008, so Chrome and Buzz are not included.

  10. Google Video

  When most people think of searching for videos, YouTube is the automatic choice. However, Google has gone one step further than YouTube. Video search not only returns all YouTube results and reads them in the Google window, but the search engine searches the entire web for your content. Google Video doesn’t have the same categories as YouTube, but who cares when you can search the entire web?

  9. Google Maps and Google Earth

  A few years ago, Google created a program called Google Earth that allowed a person to enter an address and the program would give them the latest satellite images of that area. Another nice feature was the ability to set a course between multiple locations, similar to Now Google Maps has adopted Mapquest and many other mapping companies.  

  8. Google Books and Google Scholar

  Libraries around the world are wondering what to do with all the books they hold after Google is done. Years ago, Google Books announced that it would try to make every page of every book available and searchable on the web. They are still working on it due to copyright laws; but they now search many scientific articles. The library may still be the place to complete most of your research, but perhaps not for long.

  7. Google News

  Who wouldn’t want a searchable database of recent articles on any topic imaginable? Maybe media companies who want to be your only source for news gathering. Although having a searchable news source can mean a more balanced view of the news, when someone gets thousands or millions of hits, how do they choose the best news source for them?

6. Google Shopping

  Retailers everywhere worry that their prices are compared to other retailers with one simple click. The Google Shopping feature searches websites for anything you want and gives you just what you want, or more than you can handle if you’re not specific. Soon you will be able to do all your shopping through Google.

  5. iGoogle

  Like Yahoo, Google has branched out by giving its search engine a customizable home page with many features like news feeds, weather, horoscope and others. One window has a tendency to leave out all the little details that some people crave; and it looks like iGoogle might just be the icing on the cake when it comes to details.

  4. G-mail

  Again, Google, like Yahoo and even Microsoft, created an online email system. While millions of people have been using email online for the past decade, this is another step for the Big G to make it the first and only destination on the Internet.

  3. Google Docs

  Google isn’t just going after Yahoo, Mapquest, libraries and retailers. Microsoft and all other word processing software companies beware. Now with a Gmail account, you can create documents like invoices, letters, calendars and more. Or how about a presentation like PowerPoint? The possibilities are seemingly endless, and your documents can be accessed by yourself and anyone you authorize online. Who needs Word anyway?

  2. The Internet of Frankenstein

  He began to hide the fact that Google did not create itself. YouTube and Blogger are just two examples of other sites that have joined forces with the G Empire to create a monster. If Google cannot find a suitable partner, then it has started to create its own version of popular sites such as IM system (Google Talk), social networking site like Facebook (Orkut) and other functions. With bits and pieces from here, there and everywhere, one has to wonder if Google won’t fall into the same trap as Microsoft – it’s too big and diverse to fix anything.

  1. Google

  The main thing known as Google is, of course, a search engine. While many people question the validity of the search optimization techniques used by the company, it is one thing they are doing right. Where do most people go when they want information? Google, of course. The name is so synonymous with search engines that it has been added to the dictionary as a recognizable name for Internet searches. If that’s not scary enough for you, maybe you should Google what you think is scarier.

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